Coordinator. Biomass cultivation, harvesting and supply (Spain) and delivery to industrial partners
BeonNAT proposes to use marginal lands in Europe to obtain forest biomass for the production of 8 products based on new bio-based value chains.
This way, BeonNAT will allow the production of biodegradable bio-based products and bioactive compounds that will play an important role TO REPLACE FOSSIL-BASED COMPETING SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS.
BeonNAT will help to mitigate the impacts of climate change, enabling smarter and more sustainable products and materials, to make the most efficient use of our renewable natural resources, as well as providing huge economic opportunities for the bio-based economy in Europe.
The project leading to this application has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 887917. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium.
Coordinator. Biomass cultivation, harvesting and supply (Spain) and delivery to industrial partners
Paper and particleboard tester. Marginal land assessment.
Responsible for Biochar production
Responsible for tailor-made Poly-lactic acid synthesis and characterization
Responsible for Lactic acid production. By-product supplier.
Responsible for biomass cultivation, harvesting and supply (Germany) to CIEMAT. Great expertise in marginal lands soil quality assessment.
Responsible for biomass cultivation, harvesting and supply to CIEMAT. Great expertise in biodiversity assessment.
Responsible for bioactivity assays.
Consultancy with expertise in LCA
Responsible for Extraction and purification of Biochemical. By-product supplier
End user. Essential oils extraction prototype, primary producer, expertise in essential oils.
Active carbon producer. By-product supplier.
Consultancy in bioeconomy.
End user. Absorbent for pet tester and developer.
End user. PLA-bottle producer for cosmetic use.
Consultancy in forest management.