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A Collaborative Journey at the 8th BeonNAT General Assembly in Braganza

This week, we gathered in the charming city of Braganza, Portugal, for the 7th BeonNAT General Assembly, where partners from all over Europe came together to review our progress and […]

Workshop: High-Value Bioproducts from Underutilised Biomass Resources and Bioresidues

In the face of pressing environmental challenges, the European Union has taken decisive steps to foster a sustainable bioeconomy. This vision is clearly outlined in the European Bioeconomy Strategy, which […]

CIEMAT presents BeonNAT at different conferences

Our project, BeonNAT, has made significant strides in the field of bioenergy and bioproducts, and our coordinators from CIEMAT have been actively sharing these advancements at various esteemed conferences. Here, […]

Yield, Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Essential Oils from Common Juniper from Different Spanish Origins

In the current context of climate change and growing population the adoption of sustainable products and materials derived from renewable sources is a priority for ensuring food security, biodiversity, and […]

Inside BeonNAT: get into our laboratories and fieldwork

We are thrilled to share with you our latest series of videos that dive deep into the heart of the BeonNAT project. This series provides an in-depth look at the […]

BeonNAT meets David Casini, Edoardo Miliotti and Giulia Lotti (RE-CORD)

In our latest video, we feature the important contributions of RE-CORD, a non-profit public-private research organization based in Florence, Italy, to the BeonNAT project. David Casini from RE-CORD explains their […]

Partners meet in Suceava for the 7th General Assembly

On July 16th and 17th, BeonNAT partners gathered in Suceava, Romania, for the 7th General Assembly of the project 🌳. The event brought together representatives to discuss the project’s status […]

Partners from the University of Suceava show some of their monitoring practices within the BeonNAT project

At Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava, our BeonNAT partners are pioneering new methods in both biomass and biodiversity monitoring. They have shared insights from their ongoing projects at the […]

BeonNAT meets Pablo Narváez (PEFC)

The PEFC’s involvement in the BeonNAT project extends to the Chain of Custody certification, a rigorous process that tracks the journey of bioproducts from their origin in sustainably managed forests […]

6TH General Assembly in Cottbus

Last week, on the 27th and 28th of September, the BeonNAT project consortium gathered for its sixth General Assembly in Cottbus, Germany, marking a successful milestone in our journey. This […]

New release: WPs newsletters

Big News from BeonNAT! We’re so happy to announce the launch of BeonNAT´s brand-new newsletter series. As part of the commitment to transparency and sharing progress, we’ve decided to break […]

IDOASIS – Potential use of extracts

As experts on research and development of natural healthy ingredients, IDOASIS has been working on the extraction and characterization of fine chemical compounds in the most promising plant species selected […]

CESEFOR’s advances in the project

At Work Package 7, our partner CESEFOR is making progress on the tests of particleboard During these last months we have been carrying out all the testing for the mechanical […]

Presentaciones: Manejo de la jara pringosa para la obtención de bioproductos

Os recordamos que los proyectos BeonNAT y BIOCISTUS 4.0 están desarrollando investigaciones sobre la jara, con el objetivo de poner en valor esta especie, estudiando distintos aspectos de la cadena de valor, desde la gestión de […]

Jornadas técnicas: Manejo de la jara pringosa para la obtención de bioproductos

El mercado global de bioproductos está en auge impulsado por una demanda creciente de compuestos de origen natural sustitutivos de materiales de origen fósil y de compuestos químicos sintéticos. La […]

The BeonNat consortium celebrated its 4th General Assembly meeting

It’s been already two years since BeonNat project started but, due to the Covid-19 crisis, we were not able to have the chance of seeing each other face to face. […]

Activities carried out during June and July

Part of the job we have been carrying out in June and July at BeonNAT: harvesting with a special mulcher and manufacturing particleboard We have been busy the last months! […]

Test field in Welzow-South 2022

Partner BTU is responsible for the case studies in Germany. BTU has started the tests at Welzow-South (Germany).

Extraction of essential oils: chemical characterization and antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities

Around the world, the strategies of companies and governments are increasingly converging around the concept of using biomass in industry. Besides the benefit from moving away from fossil-based raw materials, […]

BeonNAT 2nd General Assembly meeting

On the 14th of July, we have our 2nd General Assembly meeting. Due to the pandemic situation, the General Assembly meeting was held online, with the attendance of all the […]

BeonNAT at REPOM 2021 Conference

On June 3rd Steffi Schillem presented the concept of the field trials at the 3rd International Conference Forest and Landscape Restoration of Post-mining Sites (REPOM), Prague (online) One of the […]


Work package 1 started at the very beginning of the project, in July 2020 In this work package, related to the screening of underutilised tree and shrub species, a first [...]

BeonNAT at EUBCE 2021 Conference

On 29th April, Luis Esteban, CEDER-CIEMAT, presented at the 29th European Biomass Conference (EUBCE 2021) our project.   The overarching objective of the BeonNAT project is to create added-value bio-based […]

BeonNAT 1st GA meeting

BeonNAT Consortium held its first General Assembly meeting on 1st February 2021 Due to the pandemic situation, the General Assembly meeting was held online, with the attendance of all the […]

BeonNAT project new Website