The aim of the BeonNAT project is to select underused tree and shrub species in Europe with potential to grow in marginal lands in Romania, Spain and Germany, and create added-value bio-based products following a cascade exploitation in biorefineries.

Specific Objective

01WP1 / WP8

To select the most promising underutilised tree and shrub species based on their ecological requisites and chemical profile for delivering new bio-based products to be considered in the 3 case studies proposed (Spain, Germany and Romania) based on the Biorefinery concept.

Specific Objective


To guarantee the forest-based biomass supply chain to feed BeonNAT biorefineries while using sustainable harvesting and logistic techniques.

Specific Objective

03WP2 / WP8

To assess the benefits of intercropping/mixed-plantations in marginal forest or agricultural land versus the monospecific growing in 3 European countries (Spain, Germany and Romania).

Specific Objective

04WP1 / WP8

To define agricultural and forest marginal land in Spain, Germany and Romania to grow BeonNAT feedstock and identify potential marginal lands in the three countries to ensure future supply.

Specific Objective


To validate 8 new forest-based value chains through optimised production processes.

Specific Objective


To demonstrate environmental, social & economic feasibility of the BeonNAT cascade biorefinery by conducting a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) including Land Use Change Assessment.

Specific Objective


To maximize the impact of the BeonNAT project through a tailored Business Plan and Dissemination and Communication Plan.