BeonNAT 2nd General Assembly meeting
On the 14th of July, we have our 2nd General Assembly meeting. Due to the pandemic situation, the General Assembly meeting was held online, with the attendance of all the project partners.
In this meeting, the work carried out during the first 12 months of the project was explained and discussed, as well as, the planning for the following 6 months. The deliverables submitted and delayed were mentioned and risks were reviewed to keep on track the project, and mitigate potential problems. Furthermote, some project procedures such as communication among partners and external communication or risk assessment were described so every partner is aware of these procedures.
On this meeting, for the first time our External Advisory Board (EAB), which will be giving advices and helping us in the fulfilment of our objectives, was present. This EAB is fomed by:
- Calliope Panoutsou from Imperial College London
- Wibke Baumgarten from FNR
Due to the presence of the EAB, the last part of the meeting was a discussion regarding the project results for the moment and the impressions and comments by the EAB, which were really helpful for the whole Consortium.